Data protection

Our site can be used without providing personal data. Different regulations may apply to the use of individual services on our site, which in this case are explained separately below. Your personal data (e.g. name, address, e-mail, telephone number, etc.) will only be processed by us in accordance with the provisions of German data protection law. Data are personal if they can be clearly assigned to a specific natural person. The legal basis of data protection can be found in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). The following regulations inform you about the type, scope and purpose of the collection, use and processing of personal data by the provider:

Radiantly beautiful   Am Teichwall 11   06749 Bitterfeld


Germany:  49 173 8882988


We would like to point out that internet-based data transmission has security gaps, making complete protection against access by third parties impossible.

Contact possibility

On our website, we offer you the option of contacting us by email and / or using a contact form. In this case, the information provided by the user will be stored for the purpose of processing his contact. It will not be passed on to third parties. A comparison of the data collected in this way with data that may be collected by other components of our site is also not carried out.


We store your personal data for as long as is necessary to provide our services, comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our policies. The retention periods depend on the type of data collected and the purpose for which this data was collected, taking into account both the case-specific circumstances and the need to delete outdated, unused information as soon as possible. We store records with personal data from customers, documents about the account setup, messages and other data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

We can correct, complete or remove incomplete or inaccurate data at any time and at our sole discretion.

Use of Google Analytics with anonymization function

We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter referred to as “Google”, on our website. Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and thus enable your use of the website to be analyzed.

The information generated by these cookies, such as the time, place and frequency of your website visit, including your IP address, is transmitted to and stored by Google in the USA.

We use Google Analytics with an IP anonymization function on our website. In this case, your IP address will already be shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area and thereby anonymized.

Google will use this information to evaluate your use of our site, to compile reports on website activity for us and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google.

According to its own information, Google will under no circumstances associate your IP address with other Google data. You can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of our website to their full extent.

Furthermore, Google offers a deactivation option for the most common browsers, which gives you more control over which data is collected and processed by Google. If you activate this option, no information about the website visit will be transmitted to Google Analytics. However, activation does not prevent information from being transmitted to us or to other web analysis services that we may use. Further information on the deactivation option provided by Google as well as on the activation of this option is available via the following link:

Use of Facebook components

We use components from the provider on our website. Facebook is a service provided by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

Each time you visit our website, which is equipped with such a component, this component causes the browser you are using to download a corresponding representation of the component from Facebook. Through this process, Facebook is informed which specific page of our website you are currently visiting.

If you call up our site and are logged in to Facebook during this time, Facebook recognizes from the information collected by the component which specific page you are visiting and assigns this information to your personal account on Facebook. For example, if you click on the "Like" button or leave comments, this information will be sent to your personal user account on Facebook and saved there. In addition, the information that you have visited our site is passed on to Facebook. This happens regardless of whether you click on the component or not.

If you want to prevent this transmission and storage of data about you and your behavior on our website by Facebook, you must log out of Facebook before you visit our site. Facebook's data protection information provides more detailed information on this, in particular on the collection and use of data by Facebook, your rights in this regard and the setting options for protecting your privacy:

You can find an overview of the Facebook plugins at

Use of YouTube components with an extended data protection mode

We use components (videos) from YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave., 94066 San Bruno, CA, USA, a company of Google Inc., Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, on our website.

Here we use the option "- extended data protection mode -" provided by YouTube.

If you call up a page that has an embedded video, a connection to the YouTube servers is established and the content is displayed on the website via a message to your browser.

According to the information provided by YouTube, only data is transmitted to the YouTube server in the "- extended data protection mode -", in particular which of our websites you have visited when you watch the video. If you are logged into YouTube at the same time, this information will be assigned to your YouTube member account. You can prevent this by logging out of your member account before visiting our website.

Further information on data protection from YouTube is provided by Google under the following link:

Use of social media buttons with "Shariff"

We use the c't project "Shariff" on our website. “Shariff” replaces the usual share buttons on social networks and thereby protects surfing behavior

“Shariff” only integrates these share buttons of the social networks on our website as a graphic that contains a link to the corresponding social network. By clicking on the corresponding graphic, you will be redirected to the services of the respective network. The Shariff button only establishes direct contact between the social network and our visitors when the visitor actively clicks on the share button. Only then will your data be transmitted to the respective social network. If, on the other hand, the Shariff button is not clicked, there will be no exchange between you and the social networks. You can find more information about the c't project “Shariff” at

We integrate the following social networks with "Shariff" on our website:

Facebook, Instagram & Youtube

Information / revocation / deletion

Due to the Federal Data Protection Act, you can contact us free of charge if you have any questions about the collection, processing or use of your personal data and their correction, blocking, deletion or revocation of your consent. We would like to point out that you have the right to correct incorrect data or to have personal data deleted if this claim is not opposed by a statutory retention requirement.

Last changed in April 2020

Our data protection declaration was created with the following generator:

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